The Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza has a unique exhibit opening next week in Madrid. The exhibit, which opens 17 October 2017 and runs through 21 January 2018 is the first exhibit ever to study Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso exclusively. The exhibit should not only be compelling to see the works themselves, but interesting to learn about the lives of these two remarkable characters. Not to mention this period in Paris when the art world was exploding with talent.

Photo Credit: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec [Public domain), via Wikimedia Commons.
Below is an excerpt from the museum on the exhibit as well as links to further details through links below. Worth checking out.
Also, while not something to maybe plan a trip around, The Prado is housing an exhibition on Cai Guo-Qiang (born Quanzhou, China, 1957) - opening 25 October 2017 through 4 March 2018. Guo-Qiang is one of the most internationally acclaimed artists of recent decades. He was visual director and director of special effects for the Beijing Olympic Games but recently returned to painting, currently exploring the use of gunpowder as a pictorial material.
More on Picasso/Toulouse-Lautrec from Museo Thyssen
"Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) and Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) never met. By the time of the youthful Picasso’s first visit to Paris in October 1900 Lautrec was already very ill and would die prematurely the following year. Despite this Lautrec’s radical work, with its interest in combining high and low culture and art and advertising that resulted in a particular way of understanding modern life, had a powerful impact on the young Picasso. Through the French artist Picasso discovered the multi-faceted nature of modern society which would influence his own understanding of art and lead on to a new creative vision.
Although these affinities are well-known, the exhibition Picasso/Lautrec represents the first comparative study of these two great masters of modern art. Through 100 works organized around the themes that interested both artists – caricatural portraits; night life at cafés, cabarets and theaters; the crude reality of marginal individuals; the spectacle of the circus; and the erotic universe of the city’s brothels – the exhibition will enable visitors to appreciate the young Picasso’s appropriation of specific elements from Lautrec’s art, as well as the affinities that exist between their respective oeuvres and the persistence of those resonances in Picasso’s later output, the latter aspect representing the principal contribution of this project."
More information from the exhibit press release.
More information from the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza website
Picasso/Toulouse-Lautrec Curators: Francisco Calvo Serraller y Paloma Alarcó